February, 2023

Google Analytics Cookies

How to track user behaviour in a cookieless world!

Google's Tracking Announcement

In 2020, Google made a groundbreaking announcement – the end of third-party cookies in its Chrome browser by 2023. Since then, they’ve continued their aim to being more privacy-conscious by migrating 1% of Chrome users to ‘Privacy Sandbox’ (Starting in early 2024) which will phase out third-party cookies and limit covert tracking by the second half of 2024.

This has left countless businesses wondering what comes next for tracking user behaviour without them! Fortunately, innovators are already starting to think outside the cookie jar with creative approaches that will help you stay on top of trends and tailor your offerings even after cookies have become extinct. It’s time to set sail into uncharted territory – let’s explore some exciting new options together!


What are third-party cookies?

Third-party cookies are created by domains outside of the one you are visiting and can pose a threat to your privacy. These entities may track and store information about your browsing activity on multiple webpages, then use this data for targeted advertising based on these activities. As such, third-party cookies should be considered an invasion of privacy that needs to be managed carefully.

Websites store essential info about your interactions through first-party cookies. Think of them as keeping a record in order to provide you with personalised preferences and smoother experiences – like remembering login details or optimizing the display for improved visibility! In comparison to third parties, these are considered more trustworthy & secure; since they come directly from the website itself.

How are first-party cookies used?

Authentication – A useful tool that keeps your data secure. When you log in to any website, it stores the necessary credentials in an encrypted cookie for easy access without having to sign-in again each time.

Data Protection
User Preferences

User Preferences – Tailoring the website to your unique needs, first-party cookies can take into account a variety of preferences so you have an enjoyable and convenient experience

Analytics – Anonymous analytics are a powerful tool that many websites use to enhance their user experience. By gathering anonymous data on how visitors interact with the website, businesses can gain insight and make improvements.

Anonymous Analytics

Personalisation – Add a personalised touch to your online experience! Cookies can be used by websites like news sources to track what articles are meaningful and relevant for you. Think of it as an algorithm tailored just for you, designed to make sure that the content presented will be both engaging and informative.

What tools can be used to track first-party cookies?

1. Server-side Tracking

Server-side tracking examines user behaviour behind the scenes – using an internal database rather than cookies. Allowing a more comprehensive view of how users interact with your website or app, so you can better understand and optimize their experience.

Unlike cookie-tracking, which stores user information locally on their device, server-side tracking processes data wholly in the cloud. This not only reduces website clutter for a more efficient experience but also ensures that sensitive personal info stays secure since it isn’t stored directly to the visitors’ computers.


Website owners can ensure their site’s success by collecting and scrutinizing data on the server. This information will help them gain visibility into how customers engage with their website or app, as well as which pages are the most sought-after. Plus, access to key performance indicators allows business owners to make informed decisions that optimize user experience.

Server Side Tracking Analytics
Google Ads PPC Targeting

Ad Targeting

Server-side tracking unlocks data for unprecedented levels of marketing precision. By utilising behaviour patterns across multiple websites and apps, brands can develop targeted advertising campaigns that speak directly to the needs of individual consumers.

Fraud Detection

Using sophisticated pattern analysis, fraud can be identified and put a stop to before it takes hold. This could include identifying bots clicking on adverts or discovering fake accounts attempting to manipulate data.

Fraud Detection
Advantages of SST

Advantages of SST

Better performance: Server-side tracking allows your website or application to elevate its performance, enabling shorter load times and a smoother user experience! By reducing the amount of data sent from device to server, you can revolutionize how quickly end users access content on your platform.

Improved Security: With SST, data is stored on a secure remote server instead of being located on the user’s device – making it much harder for malicious actors to access and exploit. This improved security helps protect against data breaches or other dangerous vulnerabilities.

More control over data: Gain greater ownership of your data – server-side tracking provides a secure and reliable way to stay in charge. This method stores the collected information on a remote server, giving you full authority over what is accessed and stored.

Potential Disadvantages of SST

Limited Data Collection: Server-side tracking offers a more restricted view of user behaviour than its counterpart, client-side. Although this limits the amount of data collected for analysis purposes, server side is crucial in helping to make informed decisions about your users’ engagement with your site.

More complex setup: Businesses who desire to track more complex data may encounter a technical obstacle, as server-side tracking necessitates an advance understanding of maintenance and setup procedures.

Limited third-party integratons: Server-side tracking is not as flexible when it comes to connecting with third parties, so you may miss out on some of the analytical and marketing tools available. That could limit your ability to get the most from them.

Disadvantages of SST

2. Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting works similarly but creates a unique identifier for each device based upon characteristics like IP address or browser version

Browser fingerprints are typically based on information such as:

  • The browser type and version
  • The operating system and device type
  • The screen resolution and colour depth
  • The installed fonts and language settings
  • The time zone and IP address


Browser fingerprinting is a complex method of tracking which uses publicly available data to compile and create a highly individualized identifier. This means that online activity can be tracked, even if different devices are being used or the user connects from various locations.

Unfortunately, blocking such scripts and cookies in order to prevent this type of monitoring is easier said than done as it could potentially hinder website performance; however privacy-friendly extensions exist with the purpose of masking collected information – providing users some freedom over their own digital footprint.

3, Consent Management Platform (CMP)

What are the best CMPs?

With a Consent Management Platform, website owners can easily keep track of the latest data-driven decisions and remain informed. CPMs provide users with options to allow or deny behavioral tracking on their site; while this may not always deliver extensive details, it is still beneficial for achieving all your marketing objectives.

With a wide range of consent management platforms (CMPs) available, it’s important to take into account the unique needs and regulations for your website. Whether you’re more concerned with user experience or technical capabilities, finding the right CMP can make all the difference in creating an effective privacy policy.

One Trust

OneTrust is a powerful privacy management platform that empowers large organizations to manage compliance with various regulations. It comes packed with cutting-edge features, such as customizable solutions, comprehensive integrations and advanced reporting capabilities; allowing users to quickly and easily meet their data protection requirements.

One Trust CMP Dashboard
Trust Arc CMP Dashboard


TrustArc is an intuitive privacy management platform that delivers a comprehensive suite of solutions to help you stay on top of data protection regulations. Easily customize your consent banners and take advantage of the user-friendly interface for maximum convenience.


Cookiebot is the go-to resource for small and medium businesses looking to stay on top of their privacy compliance game. With Cookiebot, you can streamline your consent management process by customizing banners, scanning cookies for accuracy and control them like a pro– all while adhering to various regulations!

Cookiebot CMP Dashboard
Quant Cast CMP Dashboard


Quantcast empowers companies to take control of their data management and stay compliant with multiple privacy regulations. From custom-designed consent banners to integration with website platforms, Quantcast offers an intuitive suite of features for enhancing user experience without sacrificing security.


Evidon is a great choice for webmasters who need to maintain compliance and manage cookie usage on their sites. It offers an incredibly user-friendly interface, as well as advanced features for reporting and handling multiple third-party vendors.

Evidon CMP Dashboard
Osano CMP Dashboard


Osano is a comprehensive CMP that provides streamlined solutions for managing your website’s consent processes and data processing needs. Whether you are looking to create customisable banners, link up with other management tools or ensure compliance with various privacy regulations – Osano has got it covered! Suited especially for small-to-medium sized businesses, our cutting edge platform offers an array of features designed just for you.


Websites have the potential to gain invaluable insights into user behavior with first-party cookie tracking, allowing them to create better experiences and more effective marketing campaigns. But responsible use of this technology is key – websites must be transparent about their cookie usage and obtain appropriate consent when necessary. Furthermore, it’s essential that all steps are taken by sites to ensure data security so users can trust they’re in safe hands.

e-Commerce Thumbnail

New ecommerce trends for 2023

The Need for eCommerce

E-commerce has revolutionized the way people shop, pay and do business. It has opened up a new digital shopping experience that enables businesses to reach customers all over the world with just one click of a button. Consumers can easily browse through massive online stores or marketplaces on their computers, tablets, smartphones and even smartwatches!, providing secure and safe payments; from credit cards to digital wallets.

Shopping online is becoming increasingly popular among consumers, with global e-commerce sales hitting highs of $4.2 trillion in 2020 and projected to rocket up to an incredible $6.4 trillion by 2024! This rapid growth indicates that the world has fully embraced digital shopping – making it easier than ever for people around the globe to shop from home. – But how do we target these people?


Future Forecasts of eCommerce Industry

2022 saw a continuous rise in B2B eCommerce, driven by the increasing number of customers who now opt for online shopping to avoid long queues and traffic. Taking into account that reviews can be read prior to purchase, many business owners are gravitating towards setting up their marketing strategies with an emphasis on maintaining high levels of digital traffic as opposed to footfall.

China and USA have stayed ahead at the forefront when it comes down to global expenditure within this market – they’re part of the top 10 countries spending money online.

According to recent industry calculations, Brazil will rank first among 20 countries worldwide in retail e-commerce development between 2023 and 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 14.6 percent. Argentina and Turkey are also among the fastest growing e-commerce markets globally, with a CAGR of over 14 percent. The global retail e-commerce CAGR was estimated at 11.3 percent during the same period.

  • By 2040, digital shopping is set to become the preferred way to shop. With eCommerce estimated at 95%, online stores will be where most of us go for our purchases
  • Online stores will have an active presence via social media. On average, those with a strong presence will see 32% more sales
  • On average, 52% of eCommerce businesses have omnichannel capabilities
  • The Indian eCommerce market is a major player in the global retail landscape, having achieved an impressive 25.5% growth rate this year, making it one of fastest growing countries worldwide
  • The UK economy is predicted to skyrocket in the coming years, with a growth of more than $85 billion – an impressive increase of 42.88%

e-Commerce Trends Forecast

How impactful is eCommerce Marketing?

Impact of e-Commerce Marketing

E-commerce marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses reach their goals, from increasing brand recognition and driving website traffic to boosting sales. Popular strategies for implementing e-commerce marketing include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per click advertising (PPC), email campaigns, social media outreach, and even working with influencers.

However success depends on many variables; competition level in the industry or sector you operate within can have an effect as well as any changes related to customer preferences & behavior or broader economic and technological fluctuations that could affect consumer trends. Accurately analysing these factors along with your business needs are integral steps in reaching success

New trend predictions for 2023

Ecommerce is ever-evolving, and businesses must keep up with the changes or face being left behind. There are some key trends on the horizon that could greatly shape online retail in the future. Here are a few to consider:

Mobile Commerce

As the popularity of smartphones continues to soar, staying competitive in today’s ecommerce landscape requires more than just a modern website. Optimising for mobile devices is essential – from easy-to-navigate websites and apps, right through to secure payment options tailored specifically for smaller screens.

Mobile Commerce
Social Commerce

Social Commerce

Shopping online is being revolutionised by social media platforms, with the likes of Instagram and Facebook introducing powerful ecommerce capabilities. Influential personalities on these networks are having a major impact as well – now shoppers can get tailored advice from those in-the-know when making purchasing decisions.

Augmented Reality (AR) + Virtual Reality (VR)

AR & VR allow shoppers around the globe opportunities for immersive product exploration, transporting customers into a virtual world of interactive possibilities. From “trying on” clothing to seeing how furniture would look in your living room before you buy it

Augmented Realty and Virtual Reality Marketing
e-Commerce Marketing Personalisation


eCommerce sites have tapped into the power of AI and ML (Machine Learning) to create shopping experiences that are tailored just for their customers. With this technology, shoppers can receive personalised product picks based on what they like, get marketing specific to them, and even be offered custom prices.

Voice Shopping

Shopping just got easier! Voice shopping is revolutionizing how customers shop, simplifying the process with voice-activated assistants – like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant. Just use your voice to browse products, search for what you need and make purchases all without touching a keyboard or screen.

Voice Shopping
Sustainable and Ethical Practices

Sustainable & Ethical Practices

Today’s shoppers are becoming more conscious about the products they purchase and their impact on the planet. Ecommerce platforms have responded by offering an array of sustainable and ethical options, ranging from utilizing recycled materials to offsetting carbon emissions. But it doesn’t stop there; these practices also promote fair labor standards that ensure a better quality of life for those producing our goods.

Subscription Services

Subscription services are continuing to evolve in the way we shop. Whether you’re looking for weekly meal kits or a monthly fashion box, these services provide convenience and quality on an ongoing basis.

Subscription Services
Metaverse Blog Thumbnail

Digital Marketing in the Metaverse 2023

The Future of the Metaverse

Imagine a future internet that’s more than just websites and emails–one where you’re actually stepping onto an entirely different virtual world. Welcome to the metaverse, where users are connected in ways beyond our wildest dreams; they can collaborate with each other as well as objects existing within this interactive 3D space. It provides a level of immersion not presently possible on today’s web.

The concept of the metaverse, once only a part of science fiction stories, is now becoming realized by tech companies and developers. Potentially taking the place of today’s internet as an interactive virtual reality space for users to explore with custom avatars – from gaming to shopping or learning – this shared digital world would be ever-evolving. Already we have seen glimpses through early examples like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The future may bring us even closer to unlocking what was thought impossible: A sprawling Metaverse open for exploration waiting at our fingertips!


What Digital Marketers need to know about the Metaverse

Digital marketing has unlocked a world of possibilities with the concept of metaverse. Companies can craft interactive, immersive experiences to better engage their customers through virtual or augmented reality. Fashion retailers might offer shoppers an exciting chance to virtually “try on” items from the comfort of home and car manufacturers could even provide test-drive opportunities in realistic digital settings – all without ever having to leave your house! The power and potential behind these kinds of innovative solutions is expanding rapidly as technology advances at lightning speed – providing brands with amazing new tools for connecting more deeply with consumers everywhere.

With the emergence of immersive technologies, marketers now have a powerful set of tools to create truly captivating and emotive experiences for their customers. From virtual tours to interactive gaming sessions – this new medium is capable of creating memorable encounters that are hard to achieve through conventional marketing channels. However, it’s essential for brands looking into these innovative solutions remain strategic with its application in order not just capture attention but also effectively deliver value inspiring loyalty from customers.

1. Virtual Advertising: Businesses can cleverly create realistic advertisements that fit within the experience of an online space – think billboards or eye-catching posters popping up as you explore a digital world.

Metaverse Virtual Advertising
Metaverse Influencer Marketing

2. Influencer Marketing – Companies can take their marketing to the next level by partnering with influential content creators in virtual worlds. This can gain access to an engaged audience and boost their brand visibility within immersive digital environments.

3. Social Media – Companies have the chance to create a unique brand presence in metaverses that will allow for imaginative promotion of their products and services.

Metaverse Social Media Marketing
Metaverse Virtual Events

4. Virtual Events – Virtual events have revolutionised the way companies can engage with their customers. By entering into a metaverse, users are invited to experience interactive opportunities and be exposed to products and services in an entirely new realm.

5. Email Marketing – Companies are now leveraging this medium to spread awareness for virtual events, new product launches or other strategic initiatives that could make an impact inside the Metaverse!

Metaverse Email Marketing
Metaverse In-Game Advertising

6. In-Game Advertising – Maximise your company’s brand reach by creating innovative advertising opportunities within virtual games or experiences. Players can explore and engage with captivating content that ties in to your products, giving them an unforgettable gaming experience.

What companies have invested into the metaverse?

As the metaverse increasingly enters mainstream consciousness, some marketing powerhouses are getting creative with their campaigns by embracing virtual and augmented realities. From fashion to sports technology, here are a few examples of companies that are leading the way in this emerging digital space:

Nike, Inc

Nike has revolutionized the shoe-shopping experience with Nike Fit. With this virtual service, customers can now use their smartphones to get a 3D scan of their feet and discover shoes that provide them with unparalleled comfort and style.

Metaverse Nike Inc
Metaverse Coca Cola Campaign

Coca Cola

With the launch of their innovative Coca-Cola Metaverse Pavilion, Coca-Cola has opened up a whole new world of exploration and engagement. This virtual experience offers users an immersive journey through brand products with lots of interactive elements along the way!

Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota is bringing the thrill of driving to your home! With a virtual test drive experience for their GR Supra sports car, you can explore the features and take an exciting digital journey in this stunning vehicle.

Metaverse Gucci Shop Experience


Gucci has created a one-of-a-kind experience for shoppers worldwide – the Gucci Garden Archetypes, which allows users to explore an interactive version of their famous flagship store in Florence, Italy and shop exclusive products available only online.

Metaverse Pros and Cons: Top Benefits and Challenges

The metaverse presents a unique opportunity for brands to reach their audience with new and innovative marketing strategies. However, as is the case with any technology or platform, there are potential benefits and challenges that come along with venturing into this virtual landscape. Here’s how investing in the metaverse could help your brand—or potentially hold it back:


  • More Engaging Experiences – With virtual technology, marketers can up their engagement game by creating immersive and interactive experiences for customers. Through this medium, businesses gain opportunities to build deeper connections with consumers while boosting customer loyalty
  • Increased Reach – By utilising the metaverse, marketers have a unique opportunity to tap into an international network of virtual and augmented reality enthusiasts – providing them with access to limitless possibilities for discovering new customers
  • Innovative Branding Opportunities – From traditional to groundbreaking – marketers can now harness the power of virtual worlds as a revolutionary way to bring their brand into the spotlight. Unprecedented branding opportunities abound in the metaverse, meaning companies have new and exciting ways for audiences to engage with their product or service
  • Real Time Analytics – With real-time analytics, the metaverse is creating a new era of marketing. Marketers can now observe user behavior in detail and adjust their campaigns on-the go for maximum impact – all while harnessing valuable insights that drive success

Advantages of SST
Disadvantages of SST


  • Technical Limitations – While the metaverse is emerging as a powerful platform for engaging customers, brands may need to consider potential technical obstacles before taking the plunge into creating virtual experiences. These limitations will continue to lessen in time with advances in technology and software solutions.
  • Cost – Smaller companies with tight marketing budgets now have a chance to create entertaining virtual experiences without breaking the bank. With careful budgeting, these events can quickly become real attractions for modern audiences!
  • Learning Curve – As marketers navigate the digital marketing realm, they may find creating virtual experiences presents a unique challenge that require greater investment of time and resources than traditional methods. Navigating this steeper learning curve is essential for producing effective online customer engagement.
  • Limited Accessibility – Although technological advances make it easier to reach a wider audience, access is still limited when looking at the metaverse. It’s important for brands and marketers to consider who may not have access before crafting their campaigns in order to maximise success.

How can Digital Marketers prepare for the Metaverse?

With the advent of virtual reality and augmented reality, marketers are now presented with a unique opportunity to capitalize on the emerging metaverse. By following some simple guidelines they can actively prepare themselves for this cutting-edge digital landscape:

Understand the technology – Staying informed of the latest advancements in virtual and augmented reality is key for marketers to create compelling, interactive experiences that can capture customers’ attention. With an understanding of these technologies, marketers will be able to leverage their potential and provide unique customer engagements.

Identify Opportunities – Marketers can explore the incredible potential of the metaverse by creating virtual experiences and branded worlds for customers. This allows users to interact with brands in a highly engaging, immersive way filled with exciting possibilities!

Invest in Talent – To create an immersive customer experience, marketers should invest in talent with expertise in virtual and augmented reality. Strategic partnerships can also be formed to take advantage of the specialized knowledge offered by agencies or companies that specialize in these cutting-edge technologies.

Consider the Ethical Implications – As marketers embrace the power of virtual and augmented reality technologies, it is essential to ensure that these experiences are crafted with respect for user’s privacy. Similarly, businesses must consider how their VR/AR initiatives could have potentially negative ethical implications in order to create immersive scenarios that welcome everyone.


Google Analytics | Switching from UA to GA4

Google's Announcement

Google Analytics 4

With the upcoming sunset of Universal Analytics, a significant change is coming to future generations of GA. On July 1st 2023 (or 2024 for Google Analytics 360 users), UA will be replaced by Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As with all technological advancements, this marks a new era in the world of measurement standards. Not only will GA4 bring platform-agnostic tracking capabilities, it will also open up possibilities for data collection and analysis from iOS apps, Android apps, and Websites.

What are the key differences between GA4 and Universal Analytics?

GA4 and UA are two versions of Google Analytics that differ in their approach to data collection, reporting, and analysis. Here are some of the key differences:

1. Data Collection: With GA4, each interaction made by users on a website or app is tagged and tracked as an event. This stands in contrast to UA’s pageview-based tracking method which captures every unique view of content across the platform.

Google Analytics Data Collection
Google Analytics Cross-Device Tracking

2. Cross Device Tracking: With Google Analytics 4, you can get in-depth insights into how customers interact with your brand across multiple devices. With enhanced cross-device tracking capabilities, you’ll be able to track user behaviour easily—without any custom configuration!

3. Reporting: GA4 gives you an in-depth analysis of your data with advanced and flexible reporting capabilities. You can leverage AI-powered insights, and predictive metrics, as well as build custom funnels and user streams for a more comprehensive understanding of users’ behaviour. In comparison to GA4’s sophisticated analytics options, UA offers basic reports and dashboard visualisation tools.

GA4 Reporting Dashboard

4. Privacy: GA4 takes your privacy seriously, giving you the power to decide what data is tracked and easily delete user records if desired. UA puts more control in the hands of users by providing options like opt-outs and configurable settings for added personalisation.

5. Data Integration: With Google Analytics 4, marketers have the ability to seamlessly link multiple data sources across both Google and non-Google products. By contrast, Universal Analytics calls for painstaking manual configuration to reach a similar level of interconnectivity.

GA4 Data Integration

Is GA4 free to use?

Yes, GA4 is Google’s powerful and free analytics tool, making it easier to monitor user activity on your website or app.

However, even though GA4 offers powerful features that could empower your business, you’ll also need to keep in mind additional costs such as BigQuery integration or advanced data analysis resources. Depending on how deeply you wish to use GA4’s capabilities, it may also require some investments like technical expertise and custom development– so make sure those are taken into account.

How do I switch from UA to GA4?

To get started, you’ll need a new property in your GA account and tracking set up for whatever website or app you want tracked. Here are some helpful steps to complete this process:

1. Create a new GA4 property in your Google Analytics account. This can be done by clicking on the “Admin” tab in your account, selecting “Create Property,” and choosing “Google Analytics 4” as the property type.

GA4 Property View
GA4 Tracking ID

2. Once your new GA4 property is set up, you will need to add the GA4 tracking code to your website or app. The tracking code can be found in the “Data Streams” section of your GA4 property, and can be installed using a plugin or manually added to your website’s HTML code.

3. Ensure that you have enabled cross-domain tracking if needed. If your website spans across multiple domains or subdomains, you will need to set up cross-domain tracking to ensure that user activity is tracked across all domains.

GA4 Data Streams
GA4 Create Event

4. Configure any custom events or parameters that you want to track in GA4. GA4 uses an event-based data model, so you will need to identify the events and parameters that are most relevant to your business goals and track them accordingly.

5. Once tracking is set up and configured, you can begin using GA4’s reporting and analysis features to gain insights into user behavior and optimize your website or app.

GA4 Report Dashboard

Switching to GA4 may require more expertise than you initially anticipate, so it’s wise to team up with an expert or consultant who can guide your transition. To fully reap the benefits of both analytics tools and reduce any confusion about data accuracy, consider running UA in parallel with GA4 for a time period after the changeover.


GA4 is ushering in a new wave of analytics; centred around users’ privacy and further augmented with more sophisticated reporting capabilities. However, this upgrade necessitates an alternate way to collect data and glean insights – as well as possibly investing time into re-skilling or acquiring newer tools for full optimization. On the contrary, UA still stands strong amongst other web analysis suites but may miss out on some of GA4’s upgraded functionalities and integrations.